Monday, August 22, 2011

Long Nights

We definitely had ourselves a long night! Kids and I made our return trip to the ER around 8am. TP had Xrays and a CT scan. We waited and waited for the results....for some kind of answer to the pain. The answer was not one that my heart took well. As the words were leaving the doctors mouth TP and I just looked at each other....kind of astounded and me holding back my tears, not what he needed to see. I don't know how he deals with this pain every day. And if further testing solidifies the docs guess then we have a long road ahead of us.

So for now we are back home after about 7 hrs at the ER. TP is taking a nap. The kids are taking a nap. And here I am writing and thinking about how I really should catch up on my laundry, dishes, and house cleaning.  I just keep thinking how much I want my mother closer. I wish she was here close to us so I would have a shoulder to cry on, a confidant, a mother. 

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